Automatic washing tunnel box LACAS 6040 S10 - HIGH PRODUCTIVITY



One of the peculiar characteristics of the washing of a surface is that one to transform to the maximum the kinetic force of the water in pressure in an impact force (or collision) Kg/cm2 in an only jet on the surface.  


Advantages only nozzle: 
•high Force of impact;
•Macro hole, avoids cloggings.

Management of our nozzle to imitate the human wrist of the operator = "nozzle-wrist". Our "nozzle-wrist" has N° 4 degrees of freedom (deposited model).  The washing of the box (inside and external) is made with only n° 12   macro-nozzle-wrist, for washing-stages.The number of the washing-stages determine the speed of productivity, for this reason TECNOLOGIE COMINOX  is able to find the right solution to your cleaning problems.  

Other quality of the machine is its mechanical simplicity because it haven’t any sensor in the menagement of the automatic cycle, there is only the sensor to the detection of the containers to wash START-STOPSimple operation of deposit dirty-material and removal of the cleaned-material. 

Budgetary cycle:  
•Productivity                          Pz./h    min 750                      max 940
•Water consumption for box    lt.        1,5 a Bar 1                  1,1 a Bar 1

The internal/exteral washing is made with recycled-filtered-heated water to medium-temperature.